Sunday, January 22, 2017

Getting Closer & Getting Stronger


We are now five weeks into preseason base training and you are getting stronger each day. Please remember that consistency is the #1 variable in getting faster and staying healthy. With this in mind, it is important that you make every effort to attend practice, and if you can't, please communicate the reason for your absence to Coach Horton or Eisele before the workout. You owe it to yourself, your teammates and your coaches.

I also wanted to remind you about the content of the contract you signed at the beginning of preseason training.  It is imperative that the athletes in our group set a good example for the other girls. This means that you take your training seriously, arrive to attendance on time, be respectful to all coaches and athletes on the track team, and simply exhibit behavior that others can look up to and emulate. We want to make our school and community a better place.

Please see the training plan link below and put the El Toro All-Comers meet taking place on  February 11 on your calendar.

Keep running,
Coach Horton

Training Plan
Goal Setting & Contract

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